Add Music to Long Videos in YouTube Video Editor

So, the other day I was trying to upload and edit a pretty long video on YouTube editor, it was 15 minutes long and none of the music on YouTube was long enough to cover the full video. Problem! After an hour later and 8 failed attempts, I finally figured out how to add music to long videos to cover the whole length of the video. Here’s how.

So typically, when you try to edit a video through the YouTube editor, this is what you see.

Music for long videos on YouTube Editor

Here, when you click on “Audio” tab, a list pops up on the right, with non-copyrighted music. Click on any music track and it will be added to the video. You can even use the “Position Music” button to add music at different places in the video.

Add music to long videos YouTube Editor

The problem is when the music is shorter than the video. There is no way you can loop the music (repeat it) in the video. Instead, what YouTube lets you do it, drag the music to different places in the video. What does that mean? There would be empty slots in the video where there would be no audio or music at all. ๐Ÿ™

Short music YouTube Editor

How to add music to long videos on YouTube Editor?

So, how did I fix this? With a work around.

Here’s what you got to do. At the video editor’s add music mode, there’s a little search box beneath the music tracks. Search something in there. (For example, I typed in “a”). What this does is, it will find music tracks available to add to your video (non copyrighted, free to use music.) But then, there are two new options that shows up when you do this.

One is “Only show songs of similar length to this video” and the other is “Show ad-supported songs”. Check “Only show songs of similar length to this video”.

Now, YouTube will show you all the music tracks that will match up to your full video. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Match music length to videos on YouTube Editor

Notice, how I got several music tracks of length 10 minutes + this way. With the listed music tracks (standard ones), there is no way I could have found this track.

The down side is that you cannot find music of your choice, instead add music that you might like to your videos. Also, you cannot add a second music to the same videos. But hopefully there will be enough options for you to choose from. Of course, the longer your video is, the lesser the options are. But anyways, adding music to match your video length is better than adding short music with awkward blank spaces!

Hope this worked for you.

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Mani Karthik

About the Author

Mani Karthik

Entrepreneur, Mentor & Blogger.
I help business grow & scale. Have helped 15+ companies scale in US, Middle East and India.
I share everything I learned on this blog, so that you benefit. Here’s more about me.

10 responses to “Add Music to Long Videos in YouTube Video Editor”
  1. Mani Karthik

    Hi Angela, No I’m on the desktop version. You need to go to to be able to get this. It’s on the right hand side profile menu but you can go directly as well. Try it out!

  2. Angela

    Mani is the version you show a phone app version?
    I am trying to do this on a desktop and it looks nothing like yours in your pics above.

    So I have a 15 minute and 24 second video.
    There is no way to put more than one song, one after another on it?
    Or pick one song [say a 3 minute one] and have it loop over and over [ie 5 times to cover the whole 15 minute video]?
    This is so frustrating.


    Did you know that yours is the ONLY site on the internet that mentions the option “Only show songs of similar length to this video”? It used to be my FAVOURITE feature in YouTube’s editor, until the idiots removed it with the new interface. Now there seems to be NO way to bring it back, and I’m depressed. Searching Google for the exact term “Only show songs of similar length to this video” shows up your site as the ONLY result. Good job in highlighting this fantastic feature. Now if only they bring it back somehow…

  4. Mani Karthik

    Let me know if it worked or not Megha.

  5. megha aundhe

    Thanks Mani, Im working on it

  6. Comptech4us

    Thanks Mani Karthik!

  7. El_Gansitoo

    there was nothing for a 25 min video lol but thank you for the knowledge ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Ugo

    Thanks bro. Will like to be like you when i grow up. Please help promote my channel; SPORT-EDU-TAINMENT on YouTube. Thanks and remain blessed.

  9. Mani Karthik

    I’m glad it helped Lalit.

  10. Lalit

    Thanks Mani Bro. Your tips saved my day. ๐Ÿ™‚

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